4.1 Improved preventive and curative health-care services across the eligible area
Project idea: Improvement of preventive and curative allergy-related healthcare services for the population living in the region of Hungarian-Romanian border.
a)To Set up the Allergology Compartment in Timisoara County Hospital ”Pius Brinzeu” as regional organization to monitor and treat allergic diseases.
b)To set up a cross-border web based Multilanguage IT platform in order to monitor the airborne pollen concentration in the cross-border region and to inform the local authorities and the allergic patients about the results obtained.
c)To assess the respiratory health status of the exposed population in the cross-border region.
d)To evaluate pathogenic potentials of relevant airborne pollens for cross-border region on human health and to establish the exact periods of greatest allergenic impact.
e)To develop, based on objectives (c) and (d), of specific prevention and treatment schemes for different allergens.
f)To evaluate the socio-economic impact on the exposed population, regarding the quality of life and the alteration of educational process and work productivity in order to raise awareness among the local authorities regarding this problem.
Expected result: To decrease the incidence of allergic diseases by developing joint prevention programs for the population of the cross-border region.
Pius Brinzeu County Clinical Emergency Hospital Timisoara